#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 30th, 2018 – Scrumptious



This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 30th, 2018.


So to keep today simple, I thought I would just make you all hungry! I am one of those who posts pictures of my Sunday dinners because in most instances they are SCRUMPTIOUS!!!


This is what is in My Rattled Cage today!!

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 29th, 2018 – Fantastic


This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 29th, 2018.

fantasticI think it is just fantastic that I am very blessed to be having very little pain in my shoulder since the surgery last Tuesday. I am sure that it will not be fantastic when the pain does appear during the next few months of physical therapy. My surgeon also did a fantastic job of closing my shoulder, I anticipate very little of a scar.

This is what is in My Rattled Cage today!!

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 28th, 2018 – Knight


This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 28th, 2018.


After any type of surgery, we all need that special person that takes care of us and nurses us back to health and full strength.  I happen to have the best KNIGHT in shining armor a man or woman could ever have in Cruz. In a little over two weeks we will celebrate 17 years together and he definitely deserves some medals for putting up with and loving me for all of these years!!

Late #SoCS & #JusJoJan Daily Prompt, Jan. 27th, 2018 – Movement

This post is part of  #SoCS & #JusJoJan Daily Prompt, Jan. 27th, 2018.


Throughout history in the United States there have been many movements in an effort to better the lives of all human beings. We have had the woman’s suffrage movement for voting rights for women; the women’s movement which still continues today to gain true equal treatment and pay for women in the workplace; the Civil Rights movement, which unfortunately continues today due to the efforts of bigoted – racists – xenophobes who want to take us back to the 1800’s, to gain complete equality under the law of the US Constitution and the US Declaration of Independence for all African Americans; the LGBTQ movement which also continues today to ensure equal rights under the law for those who identify as LGBTQ of which I am one; the Farm Workers movement to ensure better working conditions and pay for those migrant workers and our citizens who have labored in our fields forever; there have multiple youth movements over the years most notably with the nomination and election of Barrack Obama as the first African American president in our nation’s history in 2008 and then his reelection in 2012.

2016 found a different kind of movement – men’s, women’s and yes youth taking hold in America. Yet, it really was not that new as it had been taking place since the 1800s or before. The horrible anti-race movement had reared it’s ugly head because of one individual, who unfortunately in my opinion won the Republican nomination and eventually the presidency.

In 2018 and specifically 2020 the United States needs a stronger much different type of youth movement. The voting age in the US is 18 which in most states you can begin running for public office at the age of 18. The youth between the ages of 18 and 30 in the US must begin running for school boards, city councils and yes even state legislatures when they reach the available age. you see our country has one huge problem and that called the lack of TERM LIMITS in the House and Senate. Because we have individuals that have been in office for 30, 40, even 50 years who refuse to see the country for what we are. We are a country made up of descendants of immigrants who built our country. We are country of poor individuals who yes, may need help but not a lifelong handout – we must work harder at getting these folks the tools they need to get off the welfare rolls.

We are a country where as the Declaration of Independence states “All men (I insert individuals) are created equally . . .” and we must act as such. We have got to move past the hatred, the mistreatment of individuals based on the color of their skin, ethnicity, country of origin, sexual identification, age etc. In order to do that we need a new youth movement in every nook and cranny of this country to step up and say this is not how we run a country. Let’s get our heads out of our asses and do what is best for ALL CITIZENS of our country!!

This is what is in My Rattled Cage today!!

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 26th, 2018 – Address


This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 26th, 2018.

On January 30, the current occupant of the White House will give his first actual state of the union address. I anticipate that this address will be nothing but his normal narcissistic, disrespectful and normal braggart self. My concern about what will come out of this is that he will sit and blame the Democrats for everything that has not happened in his first year.

I don’t understand how a Republican president that has a Republican House and Republican Senate cannot get any work done and blames the other side. When the government was shut down for three days recently, you had Democrats to vote for the bill to keep the government open so there had to be some Republicans who voted against the bill, so how in the world can you blame the Democrats if the Republicans who hold control of everything cannot get their crap together. The current occupant of the White House has no business being in office as he continues to alienate other countries, he continues to alienate our country by promoting his bigotry, racism and ethnocentrism.

I guarantee you that he is going to take all the credit for the stock market, which by the way we were on the road to recovery long before he thought of running for office and long before he got elected. He will refuse to talk about any type of gun control even though we continue to have the shootings whether they be at schools, in Las Vegas whether there at a black church, at a rally in Charlottesville, VA. No matter where the shootings are this president will never back gun control. 

DACA such an important piece of legislation that must be done. The individuals who are affected by DACA are in this country by no fault of their own they were brought here and have lived their entire lives here as citizens following the laws paying their way. It is only fair that these folks are kept in this country and allow a path to citizenship. The wall on the others on the southern tip of the country is still a very contentious issue, mainly because he insisted in the beginning that Mexico would pay for the wall. Mexico is not going to pay for all and now we are being told that we as taxpayers will have to foot the bill. Now I understand that we have folks this country who do commit crimes but not every individual that comes from Mexico is a drug dealer or is a murderer 95% of them that come into the United States do so because they want of better life.

I’m sure he will ask Republicans and Democrats to come together and work together to pass all kinds of legislation or he will continue to take his pen and sign executive orders which truly is not the right way for us to get things done tin his country. The problem with this country over the last 30 years, not just under this president, is that every piece of legislation that is written is not written clearly specifically for what it is supposed to be. Every piece of legislation is written and it has something from every single senator or congressman that they want for their district or their state just buried deep into a to a bill. And 99.99% of the time the House and Senate members do not take the time to read these bills which causes us more harm than good.

I would like to say that I will watch the entire state of the union address, but I cannot say that because I cannot stand this man in the White House. I think he is a disgrace, he is an embarrassment, he is dangerous and in my opinion he is unfit to be the leader of the free world.

This is what is in My Rattled Cage today.

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 25th, 2018 – Prediction


This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 25th, 2018

Prediction, everyone has a prediction about almost everything. In our election cycles we predicted who was going to be the winner and who was going to be the loser. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we get it wrong. We predict what sports teams are going to win championships long before the championship series are played. We predict the Oscars, the SAG awards, the Grammys and even who’s going to win the reality shows.

When the current occupant of the White House took office I stated the following. I did not vote for the individual nor do I respect the individual but I do respect the office of the Presidency of the United States. With this statement I made three predictions, one he would be impeached, to he would have  us in World War III, and three – while I do not wish this on the country nor do I wish it on his family – he will be assassinated. Others have predicted he would just resign, that will never happen because he’s too narcissistic and it is all about him not about the country. I still hold to those predictions but pray that the World War III one does not happen.

Today I have a new prediction about me. It is day two since my surgery and I’m feeling no pain this morning.  Now if I just followed the directions the doctor gave me for postop, I think I will have a good rehabilitation healing process. I have been known after surgeries to bounce back very quickly because I do not take sitting around doing nothing and being nonproductive. I also do not want to cause any more stress or any more craziness for my husband Cruz during the rehabilitation.

I also need to be able to continue looking for a job the only way I can do that is to work on my rehabilitation and continue to put in applications and get called for interviews I will go I have my sling and will deal with it when I go and interview. So, I hope everyone has a great day and that all of your own predictions especially the good ones come true.

This is what is in My Rattled Cage today!!!


One-Liner Wednesday & #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 24, 2018


  This post is part of One-Liner Wednesday & #JusJoJan Prompt 2018– January 24,

The shoulder surgery went well with no complications yesterday. Just in a lot pain this morning but my husband Cruz and I are managing it!!

I have posted many times about our pack of seven four-legged babies, I know I’m not supposed to have any favorites but I gotta tell you my Stitchy is my favorite because he truly loves his dada Gregory and he is my one only boy!!

Please enjoy the collage of my baby boy!!

This is what is in My Rattled Cage today!! 

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 23rd, 2018 – Colour


This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 23rd, 2018.

This morning as I get ready to go have shoulder surgery to repair my torn rotator cuff and displaced bicep tendon in my right shoulder, I thought I would do something simple, bright and full of colour!! Just a simple collage full of colour from that great provider of everything Google. Have a great day that is full of colour and joy!!

This is what is in My Rattled Cage today!

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 22nd, 2018 – Liberty


This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 22nd, 2018.



In the document pictured above the following statement is the second statement of the document:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

When this document was ratified in 1776 it did only direct that “all men are created equal” because women were treated as property. The other issue is that this was a bald face lie because not all men were created equal. If you were not a Protestant White male you were created equal. I would imagine that when this document was ratified the founding father could have never imagined that their 13 colonies would grow into 50 states and several territories while surviving for 242 years and still going strong, for the most part.

This country and our liberties that we have was built and bled for by IMMIGRANTS seeking that same liberty that was guaranteed when the country was founded. We need to make sure that we never lose sight of that and ensure that we are doing everything in our power to make our country welcoming yet still safe.What happened to us. We were making some much progress in many areas over the last couple of decades and then all of a sudden the bus to backwardsville arrived and the country got on. Not the entire country , but enough to send us into a tailspin of bigotry, racism and xenophobia because of wo things. We elected and reelected the first African American President in 2008 and 2012. Then all of a sudden this individual who has no business running this great nation somehow takes his vile message of hate and lies to the most unsuspecting and believing citizens of our country and gets elected. 

I truly believe that the current occupant of the White House has no care for the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence nor the liberty that we are guaranteed in this country. I guarantee if he had his way we go all the way back to the 1800’s and beyond when women were property and anyone who wasn’t White would also be treated as property.

I am honored to be a citizen of this great country and I pray that very soon we take heed and do what is stated in this particular line from the document above:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

That is what is in My Rattled Cage today!

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 21st, 2018 – Silence



This post is part of #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – January 21st, 2018.



 I Googled silence is golden and the first thing that was on the search was a video of a performance from the late 1950’s of this song “Silence is Golden” by the Tremelos.

One the things that was reinforced during my ACTS Retreat was that SILENCE is GOLDEN. Is so refreshing to be disconnected from the technology, the current occupant of the White House, emails, games, Facebook and all the other mindless drivel that we do everyday with our fabulous technology.

That is what is in My Rattled Cage today!!!